Put things bright

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bulk Spices

Do you love buying spices like me and want to buy them but sometimes hold back because of the price?  OR Do you have to buy spices and get the ones you have to but with an angry grudge because of the price? Either way....I'm on your side! 

On my days off, it's hard to get me out of the kitchen, I love to cook and just play in the kitchen, it's my mad scientist laboratory.  I like to try new spices and have TONS in my cabinet.  I had read about buying spices in bulk and that it's quite a bit cheaper but I didn't know where I could get them and sure as heck didn't think they would have them at my HEB (local grocery store). 

Before I start this story I'm going to give you a little bit back info on the fam.....

Here's Mama, Reggie and I and here's the truth of me and my Mama.  I am not my mother, I am my mother's sister.  My mom HATES shopping and while I some what agree with her on clothes shopping I DO NOT agree about grocery shopping.  HEB is my favorite place to be...I love, love, love it!  When I go, it's a wonderful, leisurely stroll through all of the samples and new items and old items and pretty much anything and everything that catches my eye.  My mom on the other hand can buy two weeks worth of groceries in about 8.7 minutes and that is when the lines are long! So when we go together it's a a bit of a combination of the both, I'm rushing myself and my mom does a pretty good job at not being impatient with me.  Ok, on to bulk spices...

Right before the holidays, Mama and I were buying our holiday stuff and the wonderful staff at HEB brought the bulk spice display out from hiding in the organic section!!!  WOOHOO!!!  So I start freaking out and running between the bulk spices with my phone calculator doing math faster than Einstein to compare the prices.  You can imagine what my  mom was doing, she just kept walking and I have no proof but I think she was rolling her eyes at me and laughing at the same time.  She loves me and does a great job at supporting me so I understand the laughs.  I don't have exact numbers on savings but it's SUBSTANTIAL!! Ever since I've been saving my old spice bottles and refilling them.  Pop them in the dishwasher and soak them in a little vinegar and water to get rid of the smell if you need to. 

Here's how it works:
1) Fill one of the supplied ziplocs with however much you want. 
2) Weigh it on the scale and and plug in the PLU# on the container and print out the sticker.
3) Slap that sticker on the bag.
4) Pay the few cents and walk out of there feeling very proud of yourself!!!

This is the oregano I bought today.
The bag is actually only about half full, the rest I put in the bottle and labeled it with my fancy-schmancy label maker that Mama got me for Christmas...she how she supportive she is of my insanity?!!?  So that bag is about the amount of two bottles that you buy on the spice aisle.  Judging by my calculations just from looking on websites, a bottle or oregano costs $2-$3.  Would you like to guess how much I spent on that bag that, remember, is equal to 2 bottles?????  $0.39......39 whoppin' cents!!!  WHAT?!?!?!?!  Can you even believe that?!  'Nuff said, yo!

1 comment:

  1. yo...you have totally convinced me that 1) bulk spices are the way to go, and 2) HEB is amazing!! (as I suspected all along). Gracias!!!
