Put things bright

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dishwasher Detergent

Hate spending money on dishwasher detergent, residue on dishes, food left on dishes?  Get ready for this one!  My new buddies at diynatural.com have done it again!  I'm telling you they are geniuses!  Check it out and then see below for my suggestions: Dishwasher Detergent  AND the best part is that it has some of the same ingredients as the laundry detergent plus two other CHEAP things. 

Stacy's Simply Sensible Suggestions:
1) As they suggested, I used Lemishine since I found it at my grocery store on the dish washing stuff aisle.  Again, I have really hard water and the recommended amount was leaving residue on my dishes so I added some more and it did the trick.  I made some for Mama and put in 3/4 cup of Lemishine and she likes it.  If you don't have hard water I would start with the recommended 1/2 cup and add some later if it leaves residue.
2) They say to shake it the first few days and they are joking.  I am infamous for not ready directions, if you don't believe me call Mama, I'm always getting myself into some kind of mess.  My wonderful hubby bailed me out of this one by smashing the plastic container it was in on the kitchen floor and the running it all through the food processor.  If you add more Lemishine later on do the shaking, stirring thing again unless you want my husband coming over and busting up your plastic containers. 
3) I had rice in mine as they suggested and it didn't help with the clumping.  I didn't put it in Mama's and she of course followed the shakin' and stirrin' directions and it didn't clump.
4) Remember vinegar?  The miracle liquid?  It's about to strike again!!!  The best thing since before sliced bread really is a great rinse agent. 

Have fun and for goodness sake, quit reading this blog, get off your lazy bum and wash those dishes!!!!

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